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Guiyang promotes energy conservation

(2017-06-03)An energy conservation promotional activity was held at Zhucheng Square in Guiyang, Guizhou province, on June 11 in response to the national week-long campaign to raise the awareness of energy efficiency and promote green lifestyles.

The campaign, known as the National Energy Efficiency Promotion Week, will run from June 11 to 17, aiming to promote resource conservation, recycling and low-carbon development.

The Guiyang government will organize additional activities throughout the week to promote energy-conserving technologies and products, green commuting methods and low-carbon industrial development.

National Low-carbon Day falls on the third day of the National Energy Efficiency Promotion Week and will be observed on June 13 this year.

China first introduced National Low-carbon Day in 2013 to boost public awareness of climate change and low-carbon development policies, facilitating the country's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Source:China Daily
Date:Jun 13,2017