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China in bid to promote low-carbon development

(2017-11-28)China is now making efforts to showcase its achievements in addressing climate change and low-carbon development, and exhibiting China's advanced products and technologies to the world.

As part of this push, two seminars under the "NDRC 2017 Training Program on South-South Cooperation of Addressing Climate Change" began in Beijing on Nov 21.

The events, sponsored by the department of climate change of the National Development and Reform Commission, are called "Seminar on Energy Conservation and Low-Carbon Industry Development" and "Seminar on Addressing Climate Change and Green Low-Carbon Development".

The seminars are being attended by a total of 57 participants from 32 countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Kenya, Egypt, Fiji and Papua New Guinea, and deal with climate change, green and low-carbon development, energy conservation, environmental management and cleaner production.

Each seminar, which runs for 14 days, combines classroom instruction, on-site visits, discussions and exchanges.

At the events, participants are looking for cooperation opportunities with Chinese companies and research institutes and organizations and studying ways to promote the application of energy conservation and low-carbon technologies.

Source:China Daily
Date:Nov 30,2017